Friday, December 28, 2007

Lesson 7: THE QUEEN

The Queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard. It is equal to 9 pawns and she is loved by the beginner like a precious stone. The Grandmaster will however sacrifice the queen anytime for a beautiful checkmate. The Queen moves along the rows, files and diagonals if the other pieces permit. In the Diagram position the Queen can move to, e1 in one move (Qe1) or h5 (Qh5). The Queen cannot capture the Bishop on a1 as its own pawn is blocking its path to a1. She will have to travel to e1 first before she can capture the Bishop next move. The Queen can also capture the Knight on a5 in one move. Qxa5. The Queen can also capture the Rook on b8 (Qbxb8#) and it will be checkmate. Checkmate is a topic on its own and will be discussed later.

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