The knight is the most cunning piece as it can jump in the thick of things and cause havoc in the enemy camp. The knight moves in a "L" shape and can reach or target 8 squares at a time. It may however only move to one of the eight squares at a time. In the Diagram position the knight on d4 can move to c2, e2, f3, f5, e6, c6, b5 and b3. The knight on b1 can jump over friend (b2) and foe (b3) and move to c3 from b1. The knight is the only piece that can play in the beginning of the game by jumping over the pawns. The knight and the queen are the most deadly combination of pieces around an unprotected king. The knight can also perform a double attack, apply the smothered mate, which we will discuss in a future lesson. Watch out for the knight, as it is a powerful piece in the hands of the master and has won many a victory against stronger opposition.
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