The King is the most important piece on the chess board. In fact chess is about the King. A wise man from India decided to explain to his King that his subordinates are very important for his kingdom and came up with the game of chess to demonstrate his idea. Ever since chess has evolve to the modern mind game it is today. Back to the lesson. The King can move in any direction but only one square at a time. The King may also capture any unprotected piece that is attacking it. The king may not move into check. It can get out of check by moving out of check, capture the attacker or place one of its pieces in between to cut of the enemy's attack. In the diagram position the King on d4 may move to c4,c3,d3,e3,e4. If the Black King on d6 was placed on g8 instead of d6 the White King on d4 could have moved to c5, d5 and e5. However, in the diagram position the king may not move to these squares as it is attacked by the Black King on d6. The same is true for the Black King as it may also not move to c5, d5 and e5. The only time the king may move more than one square, is when it castles with the rook. This is a special move made by the King and the rook to get the King into safety. Castling will be discussed in a future lesson.